Friday, October 22, 2010

Sesi soal jawap berkenaan "Najib is prepared to do anything to keep UMNO in power"

Satu sesi soal jawap diantara Dr. John Brian Anthony dan UMNO Sarawak berkisar dengan perihal "Najib is prepared to do anything to keep UMNO in power".

Dr. John Brian Anthony : The word Melayu and bumiputera is the norm now used in the UMNO assembly. We are Dayak, so we are bumiputera. How many UMNO members attending the UMNO assembly can relate to bumiputera to include Dayak. My guess is not many as many UMNO people do not know Malaysia well. All they know is Hak Melayu, Ketuanan Melayu etc, but do not blame them as that is UMNO message for them.
UMNO Sarawak : Perhimpunan UMNO turut dihadiri oleh anak-anak Sarawak yang berasal dari Sarawak. Maka adalah salah untuk saudara beranggapan bahawa tiadanya ahli UMNO yang berupaya  untuk merasai perasaan Bumiputera Sarawak.

Sarawak is no more BN safe deposit

Dr. John Brian Anthony : Now Najib and his Political and Military strategists may have wind that things can change with the upcoming General Election and that UMNO might lose its grip on power to Pakatan Rakyat. Why not, when BN and PR is about 50:50 in Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak can spring a real surprise. Batu Sapi is a good indicator for Sabah. Sibu by-election is already a known indicator for Sarawak.
UMNO Sarawak : Presiden UMNO hanya mengatakan perkara yang benar sejak dari zaman Tunku Abdul Rahman sehinggalah sekarang. Tiada yang mengejutkan dalam ucapan beliau.

Why is Najib talking about strong arm tactics

Dr. John Brian Anthony : Now Najib say I will do anything to get UMNO to hold to power – even using the Armed Forces  Institution is not beyond such a threat. If that happen, many will be afraid of the consequences of military involvement. For sarawak, that may signal the need to approach “independence” from Malaya seriously. There is always price to pay for such thought or action but then can we live with the current reality of perpetual marginalization? Sarawak never got to become even a one star general after 47 years of Malaysia. I have met so many former senior Dayak Officers  in the army and I found them insightful, intelligent , brave and have what it needs to become a General. What they lack it seems is “fairness and patronage” of the government and its policies.
UMNO Sarawak : Usaha untuk 'memerdekakan' dari Sarawak ialah satu usaha yang tidak menghormati perjanjian pembentukan Malaysia. Tahukah saudara bahawa saudara boleh didakwa atas tuduhan 'treason'?
UMNO do not understand that Dayak is also bumiputera, at least that is what their behavior say

Dr. John Brian Anthony : So what is a bumiputera when UMNO still categorize Dayak under racial group of “Lain-lain”, and religion under Christian etc but not Muslim and because of that they career advancement is put to a stop. How would a Malay feel about that – because of their race and religion their career is jeopardize?
UMNO Sarawak : Kita perlu akur bahawa kaum Melayu adalah kaum terbesar di Malaysia. Maka sudah semestinya kategori untuk kaum Melayu diasingkan dari kaum-kaum lain di Malaysia. Walau bagaimanapun, ini tidak menghalang kaum Melayu dalam UMNO untuk membuka pintu kepada kaum bumiputera menyertai UMNO dan duduk sama rendah, berdiri sama tinggi dengan kaum Melayu dalam UMNO. Untuk mengatakan bahawa bukan-Melayu terpinggir, ianya adalah satu anggapan yang salah. Peluang pekerjaan untuk Bumiputera dibuka dengan seluas-luasnya kepada kaum Bumiputera. Hanya terdapat kelewatan untuk mengisi beberapa jawatan penting atas sebab pentadbiran. Dan bukan atas sebab enggan memberi pekerjaan kepada kaum Bumiputera.

Is Dayak ready for Najib threat?

Dr. John Brian Anthony:  Change We Must.
UMNO Sarawak: Kita mesti berubah tetapi dengan minda yang luas dan bukannya sempit.

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