Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sesi soal jawap berkenaan "National inquiry into the rights of indigenous people of Sarawak"

Satu sesi soal jawap diantara Dr. John Brian Anthony dan UMNO Sarawak berkisar dengan perihal "National inquiry into the rights of indigenous people of Sarawak".

Dr. John Brian Anthony : Why is the Chief Minister Officer afraid of a Suhakam Commissioner if it has nothing to hide? It is so unbecoming of the State Government as the Commissioner is trying to collect information to support Suhakam national inquiry into the rights of indigenous people. This is an important exercise by Suhakam as the natives of Sarawak is under continuous pressure by the government to make them surrender their rights eg NCR land development, issuance of timber license, selective prosecution and police detention, land issues etc.
UMNO Sarawak : Kami percaya tindakkan tersebut adalah untuk memastikan tiada maklumat yang akan  disalahgunakan untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan. Bahkan ramai pihak yang bergerak atas platfom hak asasi manusia sebenarnya terdiri dari mereka-mereka yang hanya berhasrat untuk menghancurkan keharmonian negara, termasuk Sarawak.

Dayak leadership -YBs

Dr. John Brian Anthony :We would expect that Dayak YBs would have been sufficient and fair in protecting and ensuring the rights of the indigenous people are respected but that is not so. The Dayak YBs seemed to have muffled voice either by choice of a condition to be a YB from Government. This has put the indigenous people at a big disadvantage. Their legal recourse is slow to happen and the government keep on trying to frustrate the community action through threats and marginalization.
UMNO Sarawak: Senyap tidak bermaksud tidak bekerja. Membuat bising macam saudara tidak bermaksud membuat kerja.

Dr. John Brian Anthony : It is almost comical to see the Dayak YBs trying to out do each other to defend the government moves to deprive the Dayak of their rights, all in the spirit of gaining favors from the Chief Minister of Sarawak. Why the Dayak YBs behave in such manner is anybody guess.
UMNO Sarawak : Adalah tidak salah untuk menganggap saudara adalah pelampau Iban. Oleh itu, sudara tidak akan berupaya untuk memahami tindakkan YB-YB Dayak yang berusaha untuk menjaga keharmonian kaum di Sarawak.

Dr. John Brian Anthony : Suhakam may help the natives cause by bearing the fact to the Federal Government that is if the State government is not in the perennial state of denial. The native rights must be respect not withstanding the need for rich  Sarawak leader to get even richer by grabbing NCR land and timber.
UMNO Sarawak : Hal ehwal berkaitan tanah adalah bidang kuasa kerajaan negeri. Pada masa yang sama, tidak adil untuk menuduh kerajaan BN merampas tanah NCR kaum Dayak walhal setiap tindakkan kerajaan dapat dipertikaikan di mahkamah.

Dr. John Brian Anthony : Change WE must is not an option anymore. It is a must do.
UMNO Sarawak : Kita mesti berubah tetapi dengan minda yang luas dan bukannya sempit macam saudara.


  1. Apala Umno sarawak sedarlah

  2. UMNO dah menguasai Sarawak melalui PBB...hak rakyat sarawak dah banyak dirampas.. hamya menunggu peluang utk menukar baju UMNO.. Moga rakyat Sarawak tidak terus alpa...Bangkitlah sekarang..!
